Book 9 >> HYMN 27 - Soma Pavamana

एष कविरभिष्टुतः पवित्रे अधि तोशते |
पुनानो घनन्नप सरिधः
English:- . THIS Sage, exalted by our lauds, flows to the purifying cloth,
Scattering foes as he is cleansed.

एष इन्द्राय वायवे सवर्जित परि षिच्यते |
पवित्रे दक्षसाधनः
English:- As giving power and winning light, for Indra and for Vāyu he
Is poured upon the filtering-cloth.

एष नर्भिर्वि नीयते दिवो मूर्धा वर्षा सुतः |
सोमो वनेषु विश्ववित
English:- The men conduct him, Soma, Steer, Omniscient, and the Head of Heaven,
Effused into the vats of wood.

एष गव्युरचिक्रदत पवमानो हिरण्ययुः |
इन्दुः सत्राजिदस्त्र्तः
English:- Longing for kine, longing for gold hath Indu Pavamana lowed,
Still Conqueror, never overcome.

एष सूर्येण हासते पवमानो अधि दयवि |
पवित्रे मत्सरो मदः
English:- This Pavamana, gladdening draught, drops on the filtering cloth, and then
Mounts up with Sūrya to the sky.

एष शुष्म्यसिष्यददन्तरिक्षे वर्षा हरिः |
पुनान इन्दुरिन्द्रमा
English:- To Indra in the firmament this mighty tawny Steer hath flowed,
This Indu, being purified.