Book 8 >> HYMN 12 - Indra

य इन्द्र सोमपातमो मदः शविष्ठ चेतति |
येना हंसि नयत्रिणं तमीमहे
English:- . JOY, Mightiest Indra, known and marked, sprung most from Soma-draughts, wherewith
Thou smitest down the greedy fiend, for that we long.

येना दशग्वमध्रिगुं वेपयन्तं सवर्णरम |
येना समुद्रमाविथा तमीमहे
English:- Wherewith thou bolpest Adhrigu, the great Daśagva, and the God
Who stirs the sunlight, and the sea, for that we long.

येन सिन्धुं महीरपो रथानिव परचोदयः |
पन्थां रतस्य यातवे तमीमहे
English:- Wherewith thou dravest forth like cars Sindhu and all the mighty floods
To go the way ordained by Law, for that we long.

इमं सतोममभिष्टये घर्तं न पूतमद्रिवः |
येना नुसद्य ओजसा ववक्षिथ
English:- Accept this laud for aid, made pure like oil, thou Caster of the Stone,
Whereby even in a moment thou hast waxen great.

इमं जुषस्व गिर्वणः समुद्र इव पिन्वते |
इन्द्र विश्वाभिरूतिभिर्ववक्षिथ
English:- Be pleased, Song-lover, with this song it flows abundant like the sea.
Indra, with all thy succours thou hast waxen great.

यो नो देवः परावतः सखित्वनाय मामहे |
दिवो न वर्ष्टिं परथयन ववक्षिथ
English:- The God who from afar hath sent gifts to maintain our friendship's bond,
Thou. spreading them like rain from heaven, hast waxen great.

ववक्षुरस्य केतवो उत वज्रो गभस्त्योः |
यत सूर्यो न रोदसी अवर्धयत
English:- The beams that mark him have grown strong, the thunder rests between his arms,
When, like the Sun, he hath increased both Heaven and Earth.

यदि परव्र्द्ध सत्पते सहस्रं महिषानघः |
आदित त इन्द्रियं महि पर वाव्र्धे
English:- When, Mighty Lord of Heroes, thou didst cat a thousand buffaloes,
Then grew and waxed exceeding great thine Indra-power.

इन्द्रः सूर्यस्य रश्मिभिर्न्यर्शसानमोषति |
अग्निर्वनेव सासहिः पर वाव्र्धे
English:- Indra consumeth with the rays of Sūrya the malicious man:
Like Agni conquering the woods, he hath grown strong.

इयं त रत्वियावती धीतिरेति नवीयसी |
सपर्यन्ती पुरुप्रिया मिमीत इत
English:- This newest thought of ours that suits the time approaches unto thee:
Serving, beloved in many a place it metes and marks.

गर्भो यज्ञस्य देवयुः करतुं पुनीत आनुषक |
सतोमैरिन्द्रस्य वाव्र्धे मिमीत इत
English:- The pious germ of sacrifice directly purifies the soul.
By Indra's lauds it waxes great, it metes and marks.

सनिर्मित्रस्य पप्रथ इन्द्रः सोमस्य पीतये |
पराची वाशीव सुन्वते मिमीत इत
English:- Indra who wins the friend hath spread himself to drink the Soma-draught:
Like worshipper's dilating praise; it metes and marks.

यं विप्रा उक्थवाहसो.अभिप्रमन्दुरायवः |
घर्तं न पिप्य आसन्य रतस्य यत
English:- He whom the sages, living men, have gladdened, offering up their hymns,
Hath swelled like oil of sacrifice in Agni's mouth.

उत सवराजे अदिति सतोममिन्द्राय जीजनत |
पुरुप्रशस्तमूतय रतस्य यत
English:- Aditi also hath brought forth a hymn for Indra, Sovran Lord:
The work of sacrifice for help is glorified.

अभि वह्नय ऊतये.अनूषत परशस्तये |
न देव विव्रता हरी रतस्य यत
English:- The ministering priests have sung their songs for aid and eulogy:
God, thy Bays turn not from the rite which Law ordains.

यत सोममिन्द्र विष्णवि यद वा घ तरित आप्त्ये |
यद वा मरुत्सु मन्दसे समिन्दुभिः
English:- If, Indra, thou drink Soma by Viṣṇu's or Tṛta Āptya's side,
Or with the Maruts take delight in flowing drops;

यद वा शक्र परावति समुद्रे अधि मन्दसे |
अस्माकमित सुते रणा समिन्दुभिः
English:- Or, Śakra, if thou gladden thee afar or in the sea of air,
Rejoice thee in this juice of ours, in flowing drops.

यद वासि सुन्वतो वर्धो यजमानस्य सत्पते |
उक्थे वा यस्यरण्यसि समिन्दुभिः
English:- Or, Lord of Heroes if thou aid the worshipper who shed; the, juice,
Or him whose laud delights thee, and his flowing drops.

देवं-देवं वो.अवस इन्द्रम-इन्द्रं गर्णीषणि |
अधा यज्ञाय तुर्वणे वयानशुः
English:- To magnify the God, the God, Indra, yea, Indra for your help,
And promptly end the sacrifice-this have they gained.

यज्ञेभिर्यज्ञवाहसं सोमेभिः सोमपातमम |
होत्राभिरिन्द्रं वाव्र्धुर्व्यानशुः
English:- With worship, him whom men adore, with Soma, him who drinks it most,
Indra with lauds have they increasedthis have they gained.

महीरस्य परणीतयः पूर्वीरुत परशस्तयः |
विश्वा वसूनि दाशुषे वयानशुः
English:- His leadings are with power and might and his instructions manifold:
He gives the worshipper all wealth: this have they gained.

इन्द्रं वर्त्राय हन्तवे देवासो दधिरे पुरः |
इन्द्रं वाणीरनूषता समोजसे
English:- For slaying Vṛtra have the Gods set Indra in the foremost place.
Indra the choral bands have sung, for vigorous strength.

महान्तं महिना वयं सतोमेभिर्हवनश्रुतम |
अर्कैरभिप्र णोनुमः समोजसे
English:- We to the Mighty with our might, with lauds to him who hears our call,
With holy hymns have sung aloud, for vigorous strength.

न यं विविक्तो रोदसी नान्तरिक्षाणि वज्रिणम |
अमादिदस्य तित्विषे समोजसः
English:- Not earth, nor heaven, nor firmaments contain the Thunder-wielding God:
They shake before his violent rush and vigorous strength.

यदिन्द्र पर्तनाज्ये देवास्त्वा दधिरे पुरः |
आदित ते हर्यता हरी ववक्षतुः
English:- What time the Gods, O Indra, get thee foremost in the furious fight,
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.

यदा वर्त्रं नदीव्र्तं शवसा वज्रिन्नवधीः |
आदित ते ...
English:- When Vṛtra, stayer of the floods, thou si"est, Thundeicr with might,
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.

यदा ते विष्णुरोजसा तरीणि पदा विचक्रमे |
आदित ते . ..
English:- When Viṣṇu, through thine energy, strode wide those three great steps of his,
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.

यदा ते हर्यता हरी वाव्र्धाते दिवे-दिवे |
आदित ते विश्वा भुवनानि येमिरे
English:- When thy two beautiful Bay Steeds grew great and greater day by day,
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.

यदा ते मारुतीर्विशस्तुभ्यमिन्द्र नियेमिरे |
आ इत ते व. ...
English:- When, Indra, all the Marut folk humbly submitted them to thee,
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.

यदा सूर्यममुं दिवि शुक्रं जयोतिरधारयः |
आदित्ते व. ...
English:- When yonder Sun, that brilliant light, thou settest in the heaven above,
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.

इमां त इन्द्र सुष्टुतिं विप्र इयर्ति धीतिभिः |
जामिं पदेव पिप्रतीं पराध्वरे
English:- To thee, O Indra, with this thought the sage lifts up this eulogy,
Akin and leading as on foot to sacrifice.

यदस्य धामनि परिये समीचीनासो अस्वरन |
नाभा यज्ञस्य दोहना पराध्वरे
English:- When in thine own dear dwelling all gathered have lifted up the voice
Milk-streams at worship's central spot, for sacrifice,

सुवीर्यं सवश्व्यं सुगव्यं इन्द्र दद्धि नः |
होतेव पूर्वचित्तये पराध्वरे
English:- As Priest, O Indra, give us wealth in brave men and good steeds ana kine
That we may first remember thee for sacrifice.