Book 10 >> HYMN 150 - Agni

समिद्धश्चित समिध्यसे देवेभ्यो हव्यवाहन |
आदित्यैरुद्रैर्वसुभिर्न आ गहि मर्ळीकाय न आ गहि
English:- . THOU, bearer of oblations, though kindled, art kindled for the Gods.
With the Ādityas, Rudras, Vasus, come to us: to show us favour come to us.

इमं यज्ञमिदं वचो जुजुषाण उपागहि |
मर्तासस्त्वासमिधान हवामहे मर्ळीकाय हवामहे
English:- Come hither and accept with joy this sacrifice and hymn of ours.
O kindled God, we mortals are invoking thee, calling on thee to show us grace.

तवामु जातवेदसं विश्ववारं गर्णे धिया |
अग्ने देवाना वह नः परियव्रतान मर्ळीकाय परियव्रतान
English:- I laud thee Jātavedas, thee Lord of all blessings, with my song.
Agni, bring hitherward the Gods whose Laws we love, whose laws we love, to show us grace.

अग्निर्देवो देवानामभवत पुरोहितो.अग्निं मनुष्या रषयःसमीधिरे |
अग्निं महो धनसातावहं हुवे मर्ळीकन्धनसातये
English:- Agni the God was made the great High-Priest of Gods, Ṛṣis have kindled Agni, men of mortal mould.
Agni I invocate for winning ample wealth. kindly disposed for winning wealth.

अग्निरत्रिं भरद्वाजं गविष्ठिरं परावन नः कण्वन्त्रसदस्युमाहवे |
अग्निं वसिष्ठो हवते पुरोहितोम्र्ळीकाय पुरोहितः
English:- Atri and Bharadvāja and Gavisthira, Kaṇva and Trasadasyu, in our fight he helped.
On Agni calls Vasiṣṭha, even the household priest, the household priest to win his grace.