युद्ध-काण्ड > रावण की शक्ति से लक्ष्मण का मूर्छित होना, रावण का भागना

Rama and Ravana confront each other with various arrows and missiles. Meanwhile, Lakshmana joins the fight and chops off Ravana's bow with his arrows. Vibhishana also fights and kills Ravana's horses. Lakshmana rescues Vibhishana, when a spear is hurled on him by Ravana. Then, Ravana throws a spear on Lakshmana. As it penetrates Lakshmana's bossom, Lakshmana falls down unconscious. Rama hurls hails of arrows on Ravana from his flaming bow. Ravana takes to his heels out of fear.
तस्मिन्प्रतिहतेअस्त्रे तु रावणो राक्षसाधिपः |
क्रोधन् च द्विगुणं चक्रे क्रोधाच्चास्त्रमनन्तरम् || ६-१००-१
When that missile was made defunct, Ravana the king of demons, for his part, doubled his fury and in his anger, began to employ another missile immediately."
मयेन विहितन् रौद्रमन्यदस्त्रं महाद्युतिः |
उत्स्रष्टुन् रावणो घोरं राघवाय प्रचक्रमे || ६-१००-२
Ravana, who was endowed with extraordinary splendour, started to release another cruel and terrific missile built by Maya the demon, on Rama."
ततः शूलानि निश्चेरुर्गदाश्च मुसलानि च |
कार्मुकाद्दीप्यमानानि वज्रसाराणि सर्वशः || ६-१००-३
Then, from that bow, came forth, blazing pikes, maces and clubs, which were hard as adamant, on all sides."
मुद्गरः कूटपाशाश्च दीप्ताश्चाशनयस्तथा |
निष्पेतुर्विविधास्तीक्ष्णा वाता इव युगक्षये || ६-१००-४
Various kinds of furious mallets, deceptive nooses and blazing thunderbolts came forth, like piercing gales at the time of the destruction of the world."
तदस्त्रन् राघवः श्रीमानुत्तमास्त्रविदां वरः |
जघान परमास्त्रेण गन्धर्वेण महाद्युतिः || ६-१००-५
The glorious Rama, the foremost among the knower in the use of excellent missiles and who was endowed with extra ordinary splendour, struck down that missile with an excellent missile presided over by Gandharvas the celestial musicians."
तस्मिन्प्रतिहतेअस्त्रे तु राघवेण महात्मना |
रावणः क्रोधताम्राक्षः सौरमस्त्रमुदीरयत् || ६-१००-६
When that missile was made defunct by the great souled Rama, Ravana with his coppery eyes in anger, employed a missile presided over by the sun-god."
ततश्चक्राणि निष्पेतुर्भास्वराणि महान्ति च |
कार्मुकाद्भीमवेगस्य दशग्रीवस्य धीमतः || ६-१००-७
Then came forth resplendent and large discuses, from the bow of that intelligent Ravana, of terrific impetuosity."
तैरासीद्गगनन् दीप्तन् सम्पतद्भिरितस्ततः |
पतद्भिश्च दिशो दीप्तैश्चन्द्रसूर्यग्रहैरिव || ६-१००-८
Even as they came forth and falling on all sides, the sky was blazing and the quarters illuminated, as by the moon, the sun and other planets."
तानि चिच्छेद बाणौघैश्चक्राणि तु स राघवः |
आयुधानि विचित्राणि रावणस्य चमूमुखे || ६-१००-९
In the forefront of Ravana's army, that Rama split those discuses and other strange weapons, with a multitude of arrows."
तदस्त्रन् तु हतं दृष्ट्वा रावणो राक्षसाधिपः |
विव्याध दशभिर्बाणै रामन् सर्वेषु मर्मसु || ६-१००-१०
Seeing that missile struck down, Ravana the king of demons, for his part, pierced Rama with ten arrows in all his vital parts."
स विद्धो दशभिर्बाणैर्महाकार्मुकनिःसृतैः |
रावणेन महातेजा न प्राकम्पत राघवः || ६-१००-११
Eventhough that Ravana struck Rama with those ten arrows released from his great bow, Rama of extraordinary energy was not shaken."
ततो विव्याध गात्रेषु सर्वेषु समितिञ्जयः |
राघवस्तु सुसङ्क्रुद्धो रावणं बहुभिः शरैः || ६-१००-१२
Then, Rama the victorious in battle, was quite enraged and struck Ravana in all his organs with a multitude of arrows."
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे क्रुद्धो राघवस्यानुजो बली |
लक्ष्मणः सायकान्सप्त जग्राह परवीरहा || ६-१००-१३
In the meantime, the mighty and enraged Lakshmana, Rama's younger brother, the destroyer of valiant enemies, seized hold of seven arrows."
तैः सायकैर्महावेगै रावणस्य महाद्युतिः |
ध्वजं मनुष्यशीर्षन् तु तस्य चिच्छेद नैकधा || ६-१००-१४
Lakshmana of great brilliance, with those arrows of high velocity, tore off into many pieces, the flag-staff of Ravana, which bore the emblem of a man's head."
सारथेश्चापि बाणेन शिरो ज्वलितकुण्डलम् |
जहार लक्ष्मणः श्रीमान्नैरृतस्य महाबलः || ६-१००-१५
The glorious and mighty Lakshmana, with a single arrow, tore the head of Ravana's charioteer, which was adorned with blazing ear-rings."
तस्य बाणैश् च चिच्छेद धनुर्गजकरोपमम् |
लक्ष्मणो राक्षसेन्द्रस्य पञ्चभिर्निशितैः शरैः || ६-१००-१६
With five sharp arrows, Lakshmana then chopped off Ravana's bow, which looked like an elephant's trunk."
नीलमेघनिभांश्चास्य सदश्वान्पर्वतोपमान् |
जघानाप्लुत्य गदया रावणस्य विभीषणः || ६-१००-१७
Bouncing forward, Vibhishana killed, with his mace, the excellent horses of Ravana, which looked like black clouds and were tall as mountains."
हताश्वाद्वेगवान्वेगादवप्लुत्य महारथात् |
क्रोधमाहारयत्तीव्रं भ्रातरं प्रति रावणः || ६-१००-१८
Leaping down with speed from his large chariot, whose horses had been killed, Ravana then exhibited a violent anger towards the younger brother of Rama."
ततः शक्तिं महाशक्तिर्दीप्तान् दीप्ताशनीम् इव |
विभीषणाय चिक्षेप राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान् || ६-१००-१९
Then, Ravana, of great energy and prowess, hurled a spear looking like a blazing thunderbolt, on Vibhishana."
अप्राप्तामेव तां बाणैस्त्रिभिश्चिच्छेद लक्ष्मणः |
अथोदतिष्ठत्संनादो वानराणान् तदा रणे || ६-१००-२०
Even before the spear reached Vibhishana, Lakshmana tore it with three of his arrows and a loud cheer then arose from the monkeys in the battle-field."
संपपात त्रिधा छिन्ना शक्तिः काञ्चनमालिनी |
सविस्फुलिङ्गा ज्वलिता महोल्केव दिवश्च्युता || ६-१००-२१
That gold-crowned spear, torn into three pieces, fell like a large meteor with sparks of fire falling from the sky."
ततः सम्भाविततरान् कालेनापि दुरासदाम् |
जग्राह विपुलान् शक्तिन् दीप्यमानां स्वतेजसा || ६-१००-२२
Thereupon, Ravana took hold of another large most competent spear, which was difficult to be approached even by Yama the lord of Death and blazing as it was, with its own splendour."
सा वेगिना बलवता रावणेन दुरात्मना |
जज्वाल सुमहाघोरा शक्राशनिसमप्रभा || ६-१००-२३
The mighty and the evil-minded Ravana swiftly hurled that very great spear, burning with a radiance similar to that of a blazing thunder-bolt."
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे वीरो लक्ष्मणस्तन् विभीषणम् |
प्राणसंशयमापन्नन् तूर्णमेवाभ्यपद्यत || ६-१००-२४
In the meanwhile, the valiant Lakshmana quickly rushed towards that Vibhishana, who got a danger to his life."
तं विमोक्षयितुं वीरश्चापमायम्य लक्ष्मणः |
रावणन् शक्तिहस्तन् तं शरवर्षैरवाकिरत् || ६-१००-२५
To rescue that Vibhishana, the heroic Lakshmana, having stretched his bow, threw out streams of arrows on Ravana who was holding a spear in his hand."
कीर्यमाणः शरौघेण विसृष्ट्तेन महात्मना |
न प्रहर्तुं मनश्चक्रे विमुखीकृतविक्रमः || ६-१००-२६
Poured in with a multitude of arrows discharged by the great-souled Lakshmana, Ravana with his attach frustrated, did not make up his mind to attack Vibhishana further."
मोक्षितं भ्रातरन् दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणेन स रावणः |
लक्ष्मणाभिमुखस्तिष्ठन्निदन् वचनमब्रवीत् || ६-१००-२७
Seeing Vibhishana his brother rescued by Lakshmana, that Ravana, turning his face towards Lakshmana spoke the following words:
मोक्षितस्ते बलश्लाघिन्यस्मादेवन् विभीषणः |
विमुच्य राक्षसन् शक्तिस्त्वयीयं विनिपात्यते || ६-१००-२८
"O Lakshmana, exalter of your own strength! As Vibhishana was rescued by you in this way, this spear, on letting off Vibhishana the demon, is being hurled on you now."
एषा ते हृदयं भित्त्वा शक्तिर्लोहितलक्षणा |
मद्बाहुपरिघोत्सृष्टा प्राणानादाय यास्यति || ६-१००-२९
"This spear, having blood-marks and hurled by bludgeon-like arm, having pierced your heart, will depart only after taking your life."
इत्येवमुक्त्वा तान् शक्तिमष्टघण्टां महास्वनाम् |
मयेन मायाविहिताममोघान् शत्रुघातिनीम् || ६-१००-३०
लक्ष्मणाय समुद्दिश्य ज्वलन्तीमिव तेजसा |
रावणः परमक्रुद्धश्चिक्षेप च ननाद च || ६-१००-३१
Thus saying, the greatly enraged Ravana roared and hurled towards Lakshmana, that unfailing spear, which was adorned with eight loudly clamouring bells, which had been designed by Maya the demon by dint of his conjuring trick, capable of destroying adversaries and blazing as it was with splendour."
सा क्षिप्ता भीमवेगेन शक्राशनिसमस्वना |
शक्तिरभ्यपतद्वेगाल्लक्ष्मणन् रणमूर्धनि || ६-१००-३२
That spear, with a sound equal to Indra's thunder-bolt, hurled by the terribly swift Ravana, soon fell with speed on Lakshmana in the battle-front."
तामनुव्याहरच्छक्तिमापतन्तीन् स राघवः |
स्वस्त्यस्तु लक्ष्मणायेति मोघा भव हतोद्यमा || ६-१००-३३
Rama repeatedly uttered to that spear even as it was rushing forth (on Lakshmana) as follows: "May it be well with Lakshmana! May you prove useless! May your effort be frustrated!"
तावणेन रणे शक्तिः क्रुद्धेनाशीविषोपमा |
मुक्ताशूरस्यभीतस्य लक्ष्मणस्य ममज्ज सा || ६-१००-३४
That spear, which was looking like a venomous serpent, released by the enraged Ravana in the battle, quickly penetrated the bosom of Lakshmana, who stood fearless."
न्यपतत्सा महावेगा लक्ष्मणस्य महोरसि |
जिह्वेवोरगराजस्य दीप्यमाना महाद्युतिः || ६-१००-३५
That spear, like the tongue of Vasuki (the lord of serpents), blazing with a great dazzle, fell on the broad chest of Lakshmana, with enormous speed."
ततो रावणवेगेन सुदूरमवगाढया |
शक्त्या निर्भिन्नहृदयः पपात भुवि लक्ष्मणः || ६-१००-३६
Penetrated very deeply and pierced through his heart by the spear due to the force exerted by Ravana, Lakshmana fell to the ground."
तदवस्थन् समीपस्थो लक्ष्मणं प्रेक्ष्य राघवः |
भ्रातृस्नेहान्महातेजा विषण्णहृदयोअभवत् || ६-१००-३७
Seeing Lakshmana in that state, Rama, of extraordinary splendour, who was stationed in the vicinity, became sorrowful at heart because of the love towards his brother."
स मुहूर्तमनुध्याय बाष्पव्याकुललोचनः |
बभूव सन्रब्धतरो युगान्त इव पावकः || ६-१००-३८
Rama, whose eyes were filled with tears, reflected just for a while and then was very much enraged, like fire at the time of dissolution of the world."
न विषादस्य कालोअयमिति सञ्चिन्त्य राघवः |
चक्रे सुतुमुलन् युद्धं रावणस्य वधे धृतः || ६-१००-३९
सर्वयत्नेन महता लक्ष्मणं परिवीक्ष्य च |
Becoming aware that it was not the time for feeling despondent, and looking at Lakshmana, Rama resumed that highly tumultuous battle with a great and whole-hearted endeavour, determined as he was to destroy Ravana."
स ददर्श ततो रामः शक्त्या भिन्नं महाहवे || ६-१००-४०
लक्ष्मणन् रुधिरादिग्धं सपन्नगमिवाचलम् |
Then, Rama saw Lakshmana, who was struck by the spear in that Great War, bathed as he was in blood and looking like a mountain with a snake (entering its centre)."
तामपि प्रहितान् शक्तिं रावणेन बलीयसा || ६-१००-४१
यत्नतस्ते हरिश्रेष्ठा न शेकुरवमर्दितुम् |
अर्दिताश्चैव बाणौघैः क्षिप्रहस्तेन रक्षसा || ६-१००-४२
Even with an exertion to pull out that spear hurled by the mighty Ravana, those foremost of the monkeys could not those foremost of the monkeys could not do it because they were being tormented by Ravana the foremost of demons with a stream of his arrows."
सौमित्रिन् सा विनिर्भिद्य प्रविष्टा धरणीतलम् |
तान् कराभ्यां परामृश्य रामः शक्तिं भयावहाम् || ६-१००-४३
बभञ्ज समरे क्रुद्धो बलवद्विचकर्ष च |
Penetrating through Lakshmana's bosom, that spear touched the earth. Seizing hold of awful spear with his hands, the mighty Rama drew it out and getting enraged, broke it during the course of the battle."
तस्य निष्कर्षतः शक्तिन् रावणेन बलीयसा || ६-१००-४४
शराः सर्वेषु गात्रेषु पातिता मर्मभेदिनः |
While Rama was drawing the spear out; arrow, which pierced his vital organs, were sunk by the mighty Ravana on all his limbs."
अचिन्तयित्वा तान्बाणान्समाश्लिष्या च लक्ष्मणम् || ६-१००-४५
अब्रवीच्च हनूमन्तन् सुग्रीवन् चैव राघवः |
Ignoring those arrows and having embraced Lakshmana, Rama spoke to Hanuma and Sugreeva, the king of monkeys, as follows:
लक्ष्मणं परिवार्येह तिष्ठध्वन् वानरोत्तमाः || ६-१००-४६
पराक्रमस्य कालोअयन् सम्प्राप्तो मे चिरेप्सितः |
पापात्मायन् दशग्रीवो वध्यतां पापनिश्चयः || ६-१००-४७
काङ्क्षितः स्तोककस्येव घर्मान्ते मेघदर्शनम् |
"O the chiefs of monkeys! Remain just encompassing Lakshmana. Let this malicious Ravana of evil designs be killed. The time to manifest my prowess, which I have been wishing for long, has come, as for a chataka bird, the site of a cloud would come, as sought by it, at the end of a hot season."
अस्मिन्मुहूर्ते नचिरात्सत्यं प्रतिशृणोमि वः || ६-१००-४८
अरावणमरामन् वा जगद्द्रक्ष्यथ वानराः |
"I take this vow in truth before you, at this moment, O monkeys, that without delay, you will see the world devoid of Ravana or Rama (myself)."
राज्यनाशन् वने वासन् दण्डके परिधावनम् || ६-१००-४९
वैदेह्याश्च परामर्शन् रक्षोभिश्च समागमम् |
"I encountered with the loss of sovereignity, the dwelling in the forest, the wandering around in the woods of Dandaka and the rough treatment of Seetha by the demons."
प्राप्तन् दुःखं महद्घोरं क्लेशं च निरयोपमम् || ६-१००-५०
अद्य सर्वमहन् त्यक्ष्ये हत्वा तन् रावणं रणे |
"A great and terrible suffering has happened to me and an agony equivalent to hell. Now, by killing Ravana in battle, I will relieve myself of all that agony."
यदर्थन् वानरं सैन्यं समानीतमिदं मया || ६-१००-५१
सुग्रीवश्च कृतो राज्ये निहत्वा वालिनन् रणे |
सोअयमद्य रणे पापश्चक्षुर्विषयमागतः || ६-१००-५२
"That sinful demon, for whose sake, this army of monkeys has been brought by me, Sugreeva has been anointed on the throne after killing Vali and for whose sake the ocean has been crossed and a bridge built on it, has come within the range of my sight in the battle-field now."
चक्षुर्विषयमागम्य नायन् जीवितुमर्हति || ६-१००-५३
दृष्टिन् दृष्टिविषस्येव सर्पस्य मम रावणः |
यथा वा वैनतेयस्य दृष्टिं प्राप्तो भुजंगमः || ६-१००-५४
"This Ravana, having come within the range of my vision, cannot survive, any more than the one who has come within the range of vision of a snake injecting deadly poison with its very glance or than a serpent who has come within the range of vision of Garuda, the king of birds and the enemy of serpents."
स्वस्थाः पश्यत दुर्धर्षा युद्धन् वानरपुङ्गवाः |
आसीनाः पर्वताग्रेषु ममेदन् रावणस्य च || ६-१००-५५
"O the foremost of the monkeys who are so difficult to conquer! Seated on the mountain-peaks, you witness at ease, this battle between myself and Ravana."
अद्य रामस्य रामत्वं पश्यन्तु मम सन्युगे |
त्रयो लोकाः सगन्धर्वाः सदेवाः सर्षिचारणाः || ६-१००-५६
"Let the three worlds (viz. the earth, heaven and the intermediate region) including Gandharvas the celestial musicians, the gods, the sages and the celestial bards see today the Ramahood of Rama during the course of my battle."
अद्य कर्म करिष्यामि यल्लोकाः सचराचराः |
सदेवाः कथयिष्यन्ति यावद्भूमिर्धरिष्यति || ६-१००-५७
समागम्य सदा लोके यथा युद्धं प्रवर्तितम् |
"I shall perform today a feat, which people in the world including all living beings both mobile and immobile, as also gods, will ever narrate together, describing how the battle proceeded, as long as the earth is able to support those who occupy it."
एवमुक्त्वा शितैर्बाणैस्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणैः |
आजघान दशग्रीवन् रणे रामः समाहितः || ६-१००-५८
Thus speaking, Rama with an attentive mind in the battle-field, struck Rama with sharp arrows, decked in pure gold."
अथ प्रदीप्तैर्नाराचैर्मुसलैश्चापि रावणः || ६-१००-५९
अभ्यवर्षत्तदा रामन् धाराभिरिव तोयदः |
Thereupon, Ravana streamed forth blazing steel arrows and then clubs, as clouds would stream forth the rains."
रामरावणमुक्तानामन्योन्यमभिनिघ्नताम् || ६-१००-६०
शराणान् च शराणां च बभूव तुमुलः स्वनः |
A tumultuous sound arose from the excellent arrows, released by Rama and Ravana, as they struck each other."
ते भिन्नाश्च विकीर्णाश्च रामरावणयोः शराः || ६-१००-६१
अन्तरिक्षात्प्रदीप्ताग्रा निपेतुर्धरणीतले |
The arrows of Rama and Ravana, split asunder and scattered off, with their blazing points, fell from the space on to the surface of the earth."
तयोर्ज्यातलनिर्घोषो रामरावणयोर्महान् || ६-१००-६२
त्रासनः सर्वबूतानान् स बभूवाद्भुतोपमः |
The loud sound, produced by the impact of the bow-string on the palms of those two heroes Rama and Ravana, which struck terror in all the living beings, was felt astonished by the audience."
विकीर्यमाणः शरजालवृष्टिभिर् |
र्महात्मना दीप्तधनुष्मतार्दितः |
भयात्प्रदुद्राव समेत्य रावणो |
यथानिलेनाभिहतो बलाहकः || ६-१००-६३
Torn asunder by the streams of a multitude of arrows by the great-souled Rama, who was armed with a blazing bow, while coming in collusion with him, Ravana took to his heels out of fear, like a cloud when pushed by a tempest."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे शततमः सर्गः