किष्किन्धा-काण्ड > श्री राम का हनुमान को अंगूठी देके भेजना

Rama gives ring to Hanuma as a memorabilia enabling Seetha to recognise Hanuma without dismay. Sugreeva holds Hanuma's capabilities very high and reposes full confidence in him for locating Seetha. On seeing Sugreeva assigning the task to Hanuma, Rama perceives that Hanuma alone can achieve results and thus hands over his ring to Hanuma. Then Hanuma starts on the expedition with others.

विशेषेण तु सुग्रीवो हनूमति अर्थम् उक्तवान् |
स हि तस्मिन् हरि श्रेष्ठे निश्चितार्थो अर्थ साधने || ४-४४-१
Sugreeva expressly broached the topic of searching Seetha with Hanuma, as Sugreeva is decidedly determined about Hanuma, because that best one among monkeys, namely Hanuma, alone is decidedly the achiever of purpose. [4-44-1]
अब्रवीत् च हनूमंतम् विक्रंतम् अनिल आत्मजम् |
सुग्रीवः परम प्रीतः प्रभुः सर्व वन ओकसाम् || ४-४४-२
The king of all the residents of forest Sugreeva is well pleased to pick and choose Hanuma for the purpose, and spoke to the venturesome son of Air-god, Hanuma. [4-44-2]
न भूमौ न अंतरिक्षे वा न अंबरे न अमर आलये |
न अप्सु वा गति संगम् ते पश्यामि हरि पुम्गव || ४-४४-३
"Oh, foremost monkey, Hanuma, I do not foresee any impediment in your transit on land where homogenous enemies will usually obstruct one another, or in high skies where there is no foothold, thus only birds and clouds hover there, or in the wild blue yonder where celestial bodies alone gravitate at random, nor in waters where there is no underwater movement for earthly beings, nor in the heaven, the abodes of immortals, where those immortals will not allow mortals like us to meander as we like. [4-44-3]
स असुराः सह गंधर्वाः स नाग नर देवताः |
विदिताः सर्व लोकाः ते स सागर धरा धराः || ४-४४-४
"All the worlds that contain demons, gandharva-s, naaga-s, humans, gods, and the oceans and mountains therein are known to you. [4-44-4]
गतिः वेगः च तेजः च लाघवम् च महाकपे |
पितुः ते सदृशम् वीर मारुतस्य महा ओजसः || ४-४४-५
"With your unusual mobility, unstoppable celerity, unremitting vivacity, and untold ability you are identical to your father Maaruti, the Air-god of marvelling dynamism. [4-44-5]
तेजसा वा अपि ते भूतम् न समम् भुवि विद्यते |
तत् यथा लभ्यते सीता तत् त्वम् एव अनुचिंतय || ४-४४-६
"Or even by your radiancy none on earth is coming to mind who can be a coequal of yours, thereby you alone shall think about that process as to how to access Seetha. [4-44-6]
त्वयि एव हनुमन् अस्ति बलम् बुद्धिः पराक्रमः |
देश काल अनुवृत्तिः च नयः च नय पण्डित || ४-४४-७
"Oh, Hanuma, in you alone there are brawniness, astuteness and venturesomeness, and oh, ethicist, you conduct yourself in abidance with time, place and ethicality." Thus Sugreeva said to Hanuma. [4-44-7]
ततः कार्य समासंगम् अवगम्य हनूमति |
विदित्वा हनुमन्तम् च चिन्तयामास राघवः || ४-४४-८
Raghava started pondaration when he is cognisant of the entrustment of the task to Hanuma and on cognising Hanuma as an efficient cause. [4-44-8]
सर्वथा निश्चित अर्थो अयम् हनूमति हरि ईश्वरः |
निश्चित अर्थतरः च अपि हनूमान् कार्य साधने || ४-४४-९
"This king of monkeys, Sugreeva, is anywise definitive in his resolve reposed in Hanuma, and Hanuma is definitely resolute in achieving the task. [4-44-9]
तत् एवम् प्रस्थितस्य अस्य परिज्ञातस्य कर्मभिः |
भर्त्रा परिगृहीतस्य ध्रुवः कार्य फलोदयः || ४-४४-१०
"By that reason Hanuma must have good track record of the tasks he accomplished earlier, besides, he is specifically chosen by his king. As such, this Hanuma will certainly bring task to fruition.


"This Sugreeva is well-aware of each individual's accomplishments and hence he specifically chose Hanuma, and Hanuma who is now transiting must be individually well-known for accomplishment of any task assigned to him. Hence the fruition of the task is certain." Thus, Rama pondered. [4-44-10]
तम् समीक्ष्य महातेजा व्यवसायोत्तरम् हरिम् |
कृतार्थ इव संहृष्टः प्रहृष्ट इन्द्रिय मानसः || ४-४४-११
On perusing Hanuma who is the ablest one in his endeavours, the highly resplendent Rama is immensely delighted, and his heart and senses are elated as if his purpose has been achieved. [4-44-11]
ददौ तस्य ततः प्रीतः स्व नामांक उपशोभितम् |
अंगुलीयम् अभिज्ञानम् राजपुत्र्याः परंतपः || ४-४४-१२
Then that enemy-inflamer Rama happily gave his ring that is shining forth with his own name engraved as sign to Hanuma, as a remembrancer for princess Seetha. [4-44-12]
अनेन त्वाम् हरिश्रेष्ठ चिह्नेन जनकाअत्मजा |
मत् सकाशात् अनुप्राप्तम् अनुद्विग्ना अनुपश्यति || ४-४४-१३
"By this emblematic ring, oh, best monkey, Janaka's daughter Seetha identifies you to have reached her from my proximity, without apprehension. [4-44-13]
व्यवसायः च ते वीर सत्त्व युक्तः च विक्रमः |
सुग्रीवस्य च संदेशः सिद्धिम् कथयति इव मे || ४-४४-१४
"Oh, brave one, your enthusiasm, vital-force combined with your venturesomeness, and also the message of Sugreeva to you, are as if heralding achievement to me." Thus, Rama spoke to Hanuma while giving his ring. [4-44-14]
स तत् गृह्य हरिश्रेष्ठः स्थाप्य मूर्ध्नि कृतांजलिः |
वन्दित्वा चरणौ चैव प्रस्थितः प्लवगर्षभः || ४-४४-१५
On taking the ring that foremost monkey Hanuma kept it on his own head, and making palm-fold he reverenced the feet of Rama, and then that noteworthy monkey started off. [4-44-15]
स तत् प्रकर्षन् हरिणाम् महत् बलम्
बभूव वीरः पवनात्मजः कपिः |
गत अंबुदे व्योम्नि विशुद्ध मण्डलः
शशी इव नक्षत्र गणोपशोभितः || ४-४४-१६
That brave monkey-son of Air-god leapt to sky along with that massive force of monkeys as if he is hauling them up, and he who is brightened by monkeys around him on the skyscape appeared like the moon in a very clear lunar sphere on a cloudless sky brightened by clusters of stars around. [4-44-16]
अतिबल बलम् आश्रितः तव अहम्
हरि वर विक्रम विक्रमैः अनल्पैः |
पवन सुत यथा अधिगम्यते सा
जनक सुता हनुमन् तथा कुरुष्व || ४-४४-१७
"Oh, highly powerful Hanuma, I rely upon your vivacity, being the best venturesome monkey, oh, son of Air-god, showing your adventures that are not inconsequential you make happen as to how access can be gained to Janaka's daughter, Seetha." Thus, Rama shouted at Hanuma flying in the sky. [4-44-17]
इति वाल्मीकि रामायणे आदि काव्ये किष्किन्ध काण्डे चतुः चत्वारिंशः सर्गः