किष्किन्धा-काण्ड > जाम्बवान का हनुमान जी को अपनी शक्ति याद दिलाना

Legend of Hanuma's birth is eulogised together with his innate capabilities. Jambavanta familiarises Hanuma of his capabilities giving an account of his birth, rather what for he took birth, and extols his unready faculty. In the sixty-sixth chapter of Bala Kanda, Valmiki very concisely narrates the birth of Seetha. But here Valmiki elaborately informs about the birth of Hanuma through Jambavanta. Some information about Hanuma is included in the endnote.

अनेक शत साहस्रीम् विषण्णाम् हरि वाहिनीम् |
जांबवान् समुदीक्ष्य एवम् हनुमंतम् अथ अब्रवीत् || ४-६६-१
On overseeing the crestfallen monkey-soldiery, which is with many hundreds and thousands of soldiers, then Jambavanta sad this way to Hanuma. [4-66-1]
वीर वानर लोकस्य सर्व शास्त्र विदाम् वर |
तूष्णीम् एकांतम् आश्रित्य हनुमन् किम् न जल्पसि || ४-६६-२
"Oh, valiant one in the world of vanara-s, being an erudite scholar among all the scriptural scholars, Hanuma, why do not you mumble something, why do you resort to a calmly loneliness... [4-66-2]
हनुमन् हरि राजस्य सुग्रीवस्य समो हि असि |
राम लक्ष्मणयोः च अपि तेजसा च बलेन च || ४-६६-३
"By your brilliance and brawn, oh, Hanuma, you match up to king of monkeys Sugreeva, or even to Rama and Lakshmana, as well... [4-66-3]
अरिष्टनेमिनः पुत्रो वैनतेयो महाबलः |
गरुत्मान् इव विख्यात उत्तमः सर्व पक्षिणाम् || ४-६६-४
"The son of Kashyapa Prajapati and Lady Vinata is the best bird among all the birds who is superbly mighty and who is universally renowned as Garuda... [4-66-4]
बहुशो हि मया दृष्टः सागरे स महाबलः |
भुजगान् उद्धरन् पक्षी महावेगो महायशाः || ४-६६-५
"Iindeed, I have oftentimes seen that highly glorious, rapidly speedy, great mighty bird Garuda, pecking up reptiles from ocean... [4-66-5]
पक्षयोः यत् बलम् तस्य तावत् भुज बलम् तव |
विक्रमः च अपि वेगः च न ते तेन अपहीयते || ४-६६-६
"Whatever is the strength of his wings, that much is the strength of you arms, and even by the yardsticks of his dash and dare, yours too, are unreprovable... [4-66-6]
बलम् बुद्धिः च तेजः च सत्त्वम् च हरि सत्तम |
विशिष्टम् सर्व भूतेषु किम् आत्मानम् न सज्जसे || ४-६६-७
"Oh, forthright monkey, you are the finest among all beings by the dint of your force, faculty, flair, and fortitude... why then is your unreadiness in this task of leaping ocean... [4-66-7]
अप्सर अप्सरसाम् श्रेष्ठा विख्याता पुंजिकस्थला |
अंजना इति परिख्याता पत्नी केसरिणो हरेः || ४-६६-८
"Punjikasthala yclept Anjana is the nicest apsara among all apsara-s and she is the wife of Kesari, the monkey... [4-66-8]
विख्याता त्रिषु लोकेषु रूपेणा अप्रतिमा भुवि |
अभिशापात् अभूत् तात कपित्वे काम रूपिणी || ४-६६-९
"She who is distinguished for her unparalleled mien in the three worlds, oh, dear boy Hanuma, had to take a rebirth on earth as a monkey who can change her form by her wish, owing to a curse... [4-66-9]
दुहिता वानर इन्द्रस्य कुंजरस्य महात्मनः |
मानुषम् विग्रहम् कृत्वा रूप यौवन शालिनी || ४-६६-१०
विचित्र माल्य आभरणा कदाचित् क्षौम धारिणी |
अचरत् पर्वतस्य अग्रे प्रावृड् अंबुद सन्निभे || ४-६६-११
"She who took birth as the daughter of great souled monkey chief Kunjara, on assuming a human physique, putting on caparisons of amazing garlands, dressed in silken clothing, and shining forth with rarity of her beauty and nubility, at one time ambled on the top of a mountain like a streak of lightning athwart a black-cloud of rainy season. [4-66-10, 11]
तस्या वस्त्रम् विशालाक्ष्याः पीतम् रक्त दशम् शुभम् |
स्थितायाः पर्वतस्य अग्रे मारुतो अपहरत् शनैः || ४-६६-१२
"When she is strolling on the mountaintop Air-god has slowly lifted up that broad-eyed lady's auspicious and ochry silk apparel with red rouches... [4-66-12]
स ददर्श ततः तस्या वृत्तौ ऊरू सुसंहतौ |
स्तनौ च पीनौ सहितौ सुजातम् चारु च आननम् || ४-६६-१३
"Then the Air-god beheld her well-twinned, thickset, roundish thighs, and even the paired off plumpish breasts, and her beautiful face which is well proportioned in its build... [4-66-13]
ताम् बलात् आयत श्रोणीम् तनु मध्याम् यशस्विनीम् |
दृष्ट्वा एव शुभ सर्वान्गीम् पवनः काम मोहितः || ४-६६-१४
"Just on catching the sight of that gorgeous one, whose pelvic-girdle is fat and ample and who is slender-waisted, and who by all her limbs is pristine, the Air-god is enamoured... [4-66-14]
स ताम् भुजाभ्याम् दीर्घाभ्याम् पर्यष्वजत मारुतः |
मन्मथ आविष्ट सर्वान्गो गत आत्मा ताम् अनिन्दिताम् || ४-६६-१५
"He that Air-god who is ensorcelled by Love-god in all of his limbs, though he is limbless and existing in thin air, embraced that immaculate lady with both of his far-flung arms, as he lost his heart for her... [4-66-15]
सा तु तत्र एव संभ्रांता सुवृत्ता वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् |
एक पत्नी व्रतम् इदम् को नाशयितुम् इच्छति || ४-६६-१६
"But she that conscientious lady perplexedly said this sentence in that matter of invisible hugging, 'who wishes to despoil my vow of one-man-one-wife...' [4-66-16]
अंजनाया वचः श्रुत्वा मारुतः प्रत्यभाषत |
न त्वाम् हिंसामि सुश्रोणि मा भूत् ते मनसोइ भयम् || ४-६६-१७
"On listening the words of Anjana the Air-god spoke this in reply, 'oh, high-hipped one, I don't dishonour you, hence let there be no fear in your heart, for I am the all-permeating Air-god... [4-66-17]
मनसा अस्मि गतो यत् त्वाम् परिष्वज्य यशस्विनि |
वीर्यवान् बुद्धि संपन्नः पुत्रः तव भविष्यति || ४-६६-१८
" 'By which reason I embraced you and impregnate myself within you, by that reason you are impregnated in a supersensory manner, thereby you will beget a valiant son endowed with intellect... [4-66-18]
महासात्त्वो महातेज महाबल पराक्रमः |
लंघने प्लवने चैव भविष्यति मया समः || ४-६६-१९
" 'An admirably brave, and a bravely dazzling, and a dazzlingly forceful, and a forcefully overpowering son will be there, also thus, he will be a coequal of mine in flying off and jumping up...' Thus, the Air-god said to Anjana. [4-66-19]
एवम् उक्ता ततः तुष्टा जननी ते महाकपेः |
गुहायाम् त्वाम् महाबाहो प्रजज्ञे प्लवगर्षभ || ४-६६-२०
"Oh, arcane monkey Hanuma, when Air-god said so to her, oh, ambidextrous one, your mother is gratified, and then, oh, bullish fly-jumpers, your mother very well divined you in a cave... [4-66-20]
अभ्युत्थितम् ततः सूर्यम् बालो दृष्ट्वा महा वने |
फलंचेतिजिघृक्षुस्त्वमुत्प्लुत्याभ्युत्पतोदिवम् - यद्वा -
फलम् च इति जिघृक्षुः त्वम् उत्प्लुत्य अभिउत्पतो दिवम् || ४-६६-२१
"Thereafter, when you were a boy you have see the just risen sun in the vast of forest, and deeming it to be a just ripen reddish fruit, and thinking it to be a best catch, you hopped up and flew towards sun on the sky... [4-66-21]
शतानि त्रीणि गत्वा अथ योजनानाम् महाकपे |
तेजसा तस्य निर्धूतो न विषादम् ततो गतः || ४-६६-२२
"Even on your flying up three hundred yojana-s, oh, brave monkey, and even when sun's radiation puffed and blown you down, you did not get into any anguish as were indefatigable... [4-66-22]
त्वाम् अपि उपगतम् तूर्णम् अंतरीक्षम् महाकपे |
क्षिप्तम् इन्द्रेण ते वज्रम् कोप आविष्टेन तेजसा || ४-६६-२३
"Oh, mighty monkey, even on seeing you who are coming near the vault of heaven, Indra is captivated by anger and by his effulgence he catapulted his Thunderbolt at you... [4-66-23]
तदा शैलाग्र शिखरे वामो हनुर् अभज्यत |
ततो हि नाम धेयम् ते हनुमान् इति कीर्तितम् || ४-६६-२४
"Then, your left cheekbone, zygomatic arch, is broken when you fell down on a highest mountaintop, from thereupon your name-phrase is indeed averred as Hanumaan... [4-66-24]
ततः त्वाम् निहतम् दृष्ट्वा वायुः गन्ध वहः स्वयम् |
त्रैलोक्यम् भृश संक्रुद्धो न ववौ वै प्रभंजनः || ४-६६-२५
"Then on observing that you are mutilated, highly infuriated is that scent-wafter Air-god and that tempestuous Air-god has not physically circulated throughout the triad of worlds... [4-66-25]
संभ्रांताः च सुराः सर्वे त्रैलोक्ये क्षुभिते सति |
प्रसादयन्ति संक्रुद्धम् मारुतम् भुवनेश्वराः || ४-६६-२६
"When the triad of worlds is being roiled with breathlessness, all the administrative gods of universe are bewildered, and they started to supplicate the Air-god for his grace... [4-66-26]
प्रसादिते च पवने ब्रह्मा तुभ्यम् वरम् ददौ |
अशस्त्र वध्यताम् तात समरे सत्य विक्रम || ४-६६-२७
"Oh, chivalric warrior at war, while the Air-god is being supplicated, oh, dear boy, Brahma gave you a boon decreeing your 'indestructibility by any missile...' [4-66-27]
वज्रस्य च निपातेन विरुजम् त्वाम् समीक्ष्य च |
सहस्र नेत्रः प्रीत आत्मा ददौ ते वरम् उत्तमम् || ४-६६-२८
स्वच्छंदतः च मरणम् तव स्यात् इति वै प्रभो |
"On scrutinising that you are unhurt even after hit by Thunderbolt, oh, ablest Hanuma, the Thousand-eyed Indra kind-heartedly gave you a choicest boon saying that your death occurs only by your own volition... [4-66-28, 29a]
स त्वम् केसरिणः पुत्रः क्षेत्रजो भीम विक्रमः || ४-६६-२९
मारुतस्य औरसः पुत्रः तेजसा च अपि तत् समः |
त्वम् हि वायु सुतो वत्स प्लवने च अपि तत् समः || ४-६६-३०
"Such as you are, you are Kesari's son through his wife, oh, frightful pugilist, and you are the lineal son of Air-god, and even by your gusting you are selfsame to Air-god, and even by your flying also you are his selfsame to Air-god, in all respects... [4-66-29b, 30]
वयम् अद्य गत प्राणा भवान् अस्मासु सांप्रतम् |
दाक्ष्य विक्रम संपन्नः कपि राज इव अपरः || ४-६६-३१
"Presently we are as good as dead, and among us presently you are the only one rife with competence and valiance, you are the other Sugreeva, the king of monkeys, to us... [4-66-31]
त्रिविक्रमे मया तात स शैल वन कानना |
त्रिः सप्त कृत्वः पृथिवी परिक्रान्ता प्रदक्षिणम् || ४-६६-३२
"During the period of Trivikrama incarnation I have circumambulated the earth inclusive of its mountains, forests and thickets for twenty-one times, moving rightward around it... [4-66-32]
तथा च ओषधयो अस्माभिः संचिता देव शासनात् |
निर्मथ्यम् अमृतम् याभिः तदा तदानीम् नो महत् बलम् || ४-६६-३३
"Like that, by the order of gods we ourselves have collected those herbal plants with which ambrosia had to be churned from Milky Ocean, and in that way, then there used to be a great energy for us... [4-66-33]
स इदानीम् अहम् वृद्धः परिहीन पराक्रमः |
साम्प्रतम् कालम् अस्माकम् भवान् सर्व गुण अन्वितः || ४-६६-३४
"Such as I am, I am now aged and my valiance is completely lessened... but at the present time, you alone are endowed with all endowments among us... [4-66-34]
तत् विजृंभस्व विक्रांतः प्लवताम् उत्तमो हि असि |
त्वत् वीर्यम् द्रष्टु कामा इयम् सर्वा वानर वाहिनी || ४-६६-३५
"Thereby oh, vanquisher Hanuma, you give a jump-start to leap the ocean. Indeed, you alone are the best one among all fly-jumpers, and this entire vanara army is anxious to witness your prowess... [4-66-35]
उत्तिष्ठ हरि शार्दूल लंघयस्व महा अर्णवम् |
परा हि सर्व भूतानाम् हनुमन् या गतिः तव || ४-६६-३६
"Arise, oh, lion-like monkey, leap over this vast ocean, oh, Hanuma, your escape velocity is indeed unalike that of all the other beings... [4-66-36]
विषाण्णा हरयः सर्वे हनुमन् किम् उपेक्षसे |
विक्रमस्व महावेग विष्णुः त्रीन् विक्रमान् इव || ४-६६-३७
"Oh, Hanuma, all these monkeys are dispirited. Why this indolence of yours? You boldly triumph over the ocean as your speed is highest, supersonic, super-photic, super-cerebric is your celerity. As with Vishnu who trod the triad of worlds in a trice, you too triumph over..." Thus Jambavanta persuaded Hanuma to get ready for action. [4-66-37]
इति वाल्मीकि रामायणे आदि काव्ये किष्किन्ध काण्डे षट् षष्टितमः सर्गः