अरण्य-काण्ड > रावण का पुनः मारीच के पास जाना

Ravana proceeds to Maareecha seeking his help in the abduction of Seetha. He travels by his aircraft-like chariot and on way he sees many locations along the seacoast that are affluent and divine. On seeing a banyan tree Ravana recollects the episode of Garuda, the Divine Eagle. He arrives at the hermitage of Maareecha.

ततः शूर्पणखा वाक्यम् तत् श्रुत्वा रोम हर्षणम् |
सचिवान् अभ्यनुज्ञाय कार्यम् बुद्ध्वा जगाम ह || ३-३५-१
On hearing the exciting advise of Shuurpanakha then Ravana bade adieu to ministers, and indeed on resolving his further task he proceeded to his personal palace chambers. [3-35-1]
तत् कार्यम् अनुगम्यांतर् यथावत् उपलभ्य च |
दोषाणाम् च गुणानाम् च सम्प्रधार्य बल अबलम् || ३-३५-२
इति कर्तव्यम् इति एव कृत्वा निश्चयम् आत्मनः |
स्थिर बुद्धिः ततो रम्याम् यान शालाम् जगाम ह || ३-३५-३
While following up his thinking about that task he got a pertinent thought, and on deliberating about the credits and discredits, strengths and weaknesses of that thought he decided that 'this is to be done in this method only.' On taking a decision in that way and with a firm mind he indeed proceeded to his excellent vehicle-garage. [3-35-2, 3]
यान शालाम् ततो गत्वा प्रच्छन्नम् राक्षस अधिपः |
सूतम् संचोदयामास रथः संयुज्यताम् इति || ३-३५-४
That lordly demon then has gone to the vehicle garage in secrecy, and directed the charioteer thus as, 'let the chariot be harnessed.' [3-35-4]
एवम् उक्तः क्षणेन एव सारथिः लघु विक्रमः |
रथम् संयोजयामास तस्य अभिमतम् उत्तमम् || ३-३५-५
When that brisk-paced charioteer is said in this way he instantly harnessed the favourite and choicest chariot of Ravana with horses and got it ready. [3-35-5]
कांचनम् रथम् आस्थाय कामगम् रत्न भूषितम् |
पिशाच वदनैः युक्तम् खरैः कनक भूषणैः || ३-३५-६
मेघ प्रतिम नादेन स तेन धनद अनुजः |
राक्षसाधिपतिः श्रीमान् ययौ नद नदी पतिम् || ३-३५-७
That chariot which is decorated with golden ornaments, yoked with monster-faced mules that have gem studded trappings is rideable by the wish of the rider, and sitting in such a chariot which is wholly golden and which rides with a sound like the pealing of thunder, that celebrated Ravana, the brother of Kubera and the lord of demons, travelled towards the lord of rivers and rivulets, namely the ocean. [3-35-6,7]
स श्वेत वाल व्यजनः श्वेतः छत्रो दशाननः |
स्निग्ध वैदूर्य संकाश तप्त कान्चन भूषणः || ३-३५-८
दशग्रीवो विंशति भुजो दर्शनीय परिच्छदः |
त्रिदश अरिः मुनीन्द्र घ्नो दश शीर्ष इव अद्रि राट् || ३-३५-९
कामगम् रथम् आस्थाय शुशुभे राक्षसाधिपः |
विद्युन् मण्डलवान् मेघः स बलाक इव अंबरे || ३-३५-१०
Dasha-aanana, the decahedral demon, whose complexion like the smoothened Lapis-gem is lustrous, whose regalia that comprise white long-furred fans, white parasol and the like is spectacular, whose ornaments made out of refined gold are glittering, who similar to a kingly mountain with ten pinnacles and crags by way of his ten heads and twenty arms is gorgeous, and such a chief of demons who by that way is an adversary of gods and cutthroat of eminent-sages, seated in a nitid golden chariot that is rideable by the wish of its steersman, he shone forth like a black-cloud fringed with the streaks of lightning and rimmed with flights of cranes. [3-35-8, 9, 10]
स शैलम् सागर अनूपम् वीर्यवान् अवलोकयन् |
नाना पुष्प फलैर् वृक्षैर् अनुकीर्णम् सहस्रशः || ३-३५-११
That dauntless Ravana forged ahead while viewing the area along the coastline which is interspersed with thousands of mountains and which is with variously flowered and fruited trees. [3-35-11]
शीत मंगल तोयाभिः पद्मिनीभिः समंततः |
विशालैः आश्रम पदैः वेदिमद्भिः अलंकृतम् || ३-३५-१२
Everywhere the coastland is bedecked with lotus-lakes containing clean and cool waters, and with extensive thresholds of hermitages containing Fire-altars. [3-35-12]
कदल्य अटवि संशोभम् नालिकेर उपशोभितम् |
सालैः तालैः तमालैः च तरुभिः च सुपुष्पितैः || ३-३५-१३
Entire coast is gleaming with banana plantation and glistening with coconut trees, and the saala, palm, and tamaala trees are also in full blossom. [3-35-13]
अत्यन्त नियत आहारैः शोभितम् परम ऋषिभिः |
नागैः सुपर्णैः गंधर्वैः किंनरैः च सहस्रशः || ३-३५-१४
जित कामैः च सिद्धैः च चारणैः च उपशोभितम् |
आजैः वैखानसैः माषैः वालखिल्यैः मरीचिपैः || ३-३५-१५
It is brightened up with thousands of reptiles and birds, with those many celestial beings that frequent the earth like gandharva-s, kinnaraa-s. And with eminent sages who have highly controlled food-habits, as well. It is also refulgent with the self-denying Siddha-s, Carana-s, and with sages that are the brainchildren of Brahma, namely Vaikhanasa-s, Maasha-s, Vaalakhilya-s, Mariicipa-s. [3-35-14, 15]
दिव्य आभरण माल्याभिः दिव्य रूपाभिः आवृतम् |
क्रीडा रति विधिज्ञाभिः अप्सरोभिः सहस्रशः || ३-३५-१६
With thousands of celestial maidens divine in their mien, namely apsara-s, who are prettified with divine ornaments and garlands, and who are also the experts in the methodical sex-games that seaside is pervaded. [3-35-16]
सेवितम् देव पत्नीभिः श्रीमतीभिः उपासितम् |
देव दानव सन्घैः च चरितम् तु अमृत अशिभिः || ३-३५-१७
That seacoast is adored by the propitious wives of gods and frequented by the assemblages of gods who thrive upon ambrosia, and even patronised by demons that strive for ambrosia. [3-35-17]
हंस क्रौन्च प्लव आकीर्णम् सारसैः संप्रणादितम् |
वैदूर्य प्रस्तरम् स्निग्धम् सांद्रम् सागर तेजसा || ३-३५-१८
It is spread with swans, ruddy-gees and frogs, and there the waterfowls are very noisy, and stones overlain on the coast are like lapis-gems, and with the ambience of ocean that whole delta is appearing smooth and sludgy. [3-35-18]
पाण्डुराणि विशालानि दिव्य माल्य युतानि च |
तूर्य गीत अभिजुष्टानि विमानानि समंततः || ३-३५-१९
तपसा जित लोकानाम् कामगान् अभिसंपतन् |
गन्धर्व अप्सरसः चैव ददर्श धनदानुजः || ३-३५-२०
While Ravana, the brother of Kubera, is quickly transiting he saw everywhere the whitish and widish aircrafts belonging to the deified souls who acquired higher worlds, and from those aircrafts adorned with divine flowery tassels and piloted by the wish of their steersmen, instrumental and vocal music is resonating, and gandharva-s are singing and apsara-s are dancing in them. [3-35-19, 20]
निर्यास रस मूलानाम् चंदनानाम् सहस्रशः |
वनानि पश्यन् सौम्यानि घ्राण तृप्ति कराणि च || ३-३५-२१
Ravana proceeded while observing thousands of woodlands with sandalwood trees that are soothing and satisfying the sense of smell, and that oozed sweet-smelling resin at their bases. [3-35-21]
अगुरूणाम् च मुख्यानाम् वनानि उपवनानि च |
तक्कोलानाम् च जात्यानाम् फलानाम् च सुगन्धिनाम् || ३-३५-२२
He also observed on his way the forests and woodlands containing the noteworthy aloe plants, Takkola trees, and the nutmeg trees that are with fruits and aromatic, as well. [3-35-22]
पुष्पाणि च तमालस्य गुल्मानि मरिचस्य च |
मुक्तानाम् च समूहानि शुष्यमाणानि तीरतः || ३-३५-२३
Also seen are the flowers of Tamaala trees, shrubberies of pepper, and heaps of desiccating pearl-oysters along the seashore. [3-35-23]
शैलानि प्रवरान् चैव प्रवाल निचयान् तथा |
कांचनानि च शृंगाणि राजतानि तथैव च || ३-३५-२४
Thus, he saw the peaking boulders, like that the reefs of corals, and like that also at the mountains that have golden and silvern crests. [3-35-24]
प्रस्रवाणि मनोज्ञानि प्रसन्नानि अद्भुतानि च |
धन धान्य उपपन्नानि स्त्री रत्नैः आवृतानि च || ३-३५-२५
हस्ति अश्व रथ गाढानि नगराणि विलोकयन् |
On seeing the delightful, serene, and marvellous cascades, and cities that are abundant in wealth and agricultural produce, and abundant with gemlike womenfolk, and that are replete with elephants, horses, and chariots, Ravana proceeded further. [3-35-25, 26a]
तम् समम् सर्वतः स्निग्धम् मृदु संस्पर्श मारुतम् || ३-३५-२६
अनूपे सिन्धु राजस्य ददर्श त्रिदिव उपमम् |
Ravana observed the delta adjacent to seacoast of that kingly ocean to be uniform and smooth, while the light air breezing in there is soft for touch, thus it looked heavenly. [3-35-26b, 27a]
तत्र अपश्यत् स मेघ आभम् न्यग्रोधम् मुनिभिर् वृतम् || ३-३५-२७
समंतात् यस्य ताः शाखाः शत योजनम् आयताः |
There Ravana also saw a banyan tree which in sheen is like a black-cloud, and the branches of which are stretching all over for a hundred yojana-s in length, and on which sages made their abode for practising ascesis. [3-35-27b, 28a]
यस्य हस्तिनम् आदाय महा कायम् च कच्छपम् || ३-३५-२८
भक्षार्थम् गरुडः शाखाम् आजगाम महाबलः |
This is the tree on the branch of which once highly mighty Divine Eagle Garuda swooped to perch, clawing an elephant and a mammoth tortoise, for the purpose of dining them out on that tree-branch. [3-35-28b, 29a]
तस्य ताम् सहसा शाखाम् भारेण पतगोत्तमः || ३-३५-२९
सुपर्णः पर्ण बहुलाम् बभंज अथ महाबलः |
While descending rapidly then that best bird among birds Garuda suddenly broke that tree's branch which is full with leaves, owing to the impact of his high impetuosity. [3-35-29b, 30a]
तत्र वैखानसा माषा वालखिल्या मरीचिपाः || ३-३५-३०
अजा बभूवुः धूम्राः च संगताः परमर्षयः |
Adhering to that tree-branch there are eminent sages like, Vaikhanasa-s, Maasha-s, Vaalakhilya-s, Mariicipa-s, Aja-s, and even sages like Dhuumraa-s that thrive on fumes and smokes are there, and there they are collectively practising asceticism upside down while clasping branches with their legs. [3-35-30b, 31a]
तेषाम् दयाअर्थम् गरुडः ताम् शाखाम् शत योजनाम् || ३-३५-३१
भग्नम् आदाय वेगेन तौ च उभौ गज कच्छपौ |
For the sake of the grace of those sages Garuda took flight from that tree, grasping that broken tree-branch of a hundred yojana length along with those pendulous sages with his beak, and both of the elephant and tortoise with both of his claws. [3-35-31b, 32a]
एक पादेन धर्म आत्मा भक्षयित्वा तत् आमिषम् || ३-३५-३२
निषाद विषयम् हत्वा शाखया पतगोत्तमः |
प्रहर्षम् अतुलम् लेभे मोक्षयित्वा महामुनीन् || ३-३५-३३
That virtue-souled Garuda consumed the meat of his prays, namely the elephant and the giant tortoise with a single foot, and destroyed the province of tribesmen with the same broken tree branch, and thus that supreme bird Garuda gained an incomparable happiness in rescuing those great-sages. [3-35-32b, 33]
स तेन तु प्रहर्षेण द्विगुणी कृत विक्रमः |
अमृत आनयनार्थम् वै चकार मतिमान् मतिम् || ३-३५-३४
When his valour has become twice as much with that happiness that heedful Garuda indeed resolved to bring ambrosia from heaven. [3-35-34]
अयो जालानि निर्मथ्य भित्त्वा रत्न गृहम् वरम् |
महेन्द्र भवनात् गुप्तम् आजहार अमृतम् ततः || ३-३५-३५
Smashing the guard of iron-grid completely and crashing the unbreakable diamond -like strongroom in which the ambrosia is safeguarded, then Garuda carried off ambrosia from the palace of Indra. [3-35-35]
तम् महर्षि गणैः जुष्टम् सुपर्ण कृत लक्षणम् |
नाम्ना सुभद्रम् न्यग्रोधम् ददर्श धनद अनुजः || ३-३५-३६
Ravana on his way saw such a banyan tree named as Subhadra which is a much sought after tree for assemblages of great sages, and which betokens the deeds of that best-winged Garuda. [3-35-36]
तम् तु गत्वा परम् पारम् समुद्रस्य नदी पतेः |
ददर्श आश्रमम् एकांते पुण्ये रम्ये वनांतरे || ३-३५-३७
On going to the other side of the lord of rivers, namely ocean, Ravana saw a pleasing hermitage in the sacred and scenic interior of the forest. [3-35-37]
तत्र कृष्ण अजिन धरम् जटा वल्कल धारिणम् |
ददर्श नियत आहारम् मारीचम् नाम राक्षसम् || ३-३५-३८
At that place Ravana saw the demon named Maareecha, wearing jute-clothes and black deerskin and tufts of hairs, and the one with regulated diet. [3-35-38]
स रावणः समागम्य विधिवत् तेन रक्षसा |
मारीचेन अर्चितो राजा सर्व कामैः अमानुषैः || ३-३५-३९
That demon Maareecha welcomed the king Ravana and customarily entertained him catering all the offerings that are beyond the scope of humans. [3-35-39]
तम् स्वयम् पूजयित्वा च भोजनेन उदकेन च |
अर्थोपहितया वाचा मारीचो वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् || ३-३५-४०
On personally offering meals and drinking water, and venerating him properly Maareecha spoke this sentence to Ravana which is connotative of significance. [3-35-40]
कच्चित् ते कुशलम् राजन् लंकायाम् राक्षसेश्वर |
केन अर्थेन् पुनः त्वम् वै तूर्णम् एव इह आगतः || ३-३५-४१
"Oh, king of the demons, is everything well with your Lanka? Oh, king, for what reason you have put in an appearance again, that too in a trice? [3-35-41]
एवम् उक्तो महातेजा मारीचेन स रावण |
ततः पश्चात् इदम् वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् वाक्य कोविदः || ३-३५-४२
When Maareecha spoke to him thus, that highly radiant and eloquent Ravana then afterwards spoke this sentence to Maareecha. [3-35-42]
इति वाल्मीकि रामायणे आदि काव्ये अरण्य काण्डे पंच त्रिंशः सर्गः