Quran Surah 71 - Nuh (Noah)

Ayat 1 - SENT NOAH to his people to warn them before the painful punishment came upon them.
Ayat 2 - He said: "O my people, I warn you clearly
Ayat 3 - That you should worship God and fear Him, and follow me
Ayat 4 - That He may forgive some of your sins and prolong your term till an appointed time. Surely when God´s appointed time is come it will not be put off, if only you knew!
Ayat 5 - He said: "O Lord, I called my people night and day,
Ayat 6 - But the more I called, they only ran the farther away.
Ayat 7 - And every time I called them that You may forgive them, they thrust their fingers into their ears, and covered themselves with their garments, and became wayward, and behaved with downright insolence.
Ayat 8 - Then I called them loudly and more openly,
Ayat 9 - And declared to them in public and in private,
Ayat 10 - And I told them: ´Ask your Lord to forgive you. He is verily forgiving.
Ayat 11 - He will send you abundant rain from the sky,
Ayat 12 - And will give you increase of wealth and sons, and give you gardens and springs of water.
Ayat 13 - What has come upon you that you do not fear the majesty of God,
Ayat 14 - Knowing that He has created you by various stages?
Ayat 15 - Do you not see how God has fashioned seven skies one above the other,
Ayat 16 - And has placed the moon therein, an illumination, and has placed the sun, a lighted lamp?
Ayat 17 - God produced you from the earth like a vegetable growth;
Ayat 18 - He will then return you back to it, and bring you out again.
Ayat 19 - God has made the earth for you a spreading,
Ayat 20 - So that you may walk upon its spacious paths.´
Ayat 21 - But they did not listen to me," Noah said, "and followed him whose wealth and children only added to his ruin.
Ayat 22 - And they contrived a plot of great magnitude,
Ayat 23 - And said: ´Do not abandon your gods, and do not abandon Wadda or Suwa´, or Yaghuth, Ya´uq or Nasr.´
Ayat 24 - And they misled many. So do not give the evil-doers increase but in error.
Ayat 25 - They were drowned because of their habitual sinfulness, and sent to Hell, and did not find any helper other than God.
Ayat 26 - Noah said: "O Lord, do not leave a single habitation of unbelievers on the earth.
Ayat 27 - If you leave them, they will lead Your creatures astray, and beget but iniquitous and ungrateful offspring.
Ayat 28 - O Lord, forgive me, my parents, and any one who enters my house as a believer, and all believing men and women, and do not give the evil-doers increase save in ruin.